Transform Your Leadership Skills: Join WOT's Masterclasses with Robert Garcia

Transform Your Leadership Skills: Join WOT's Masterclasses with Robert Garcia

Wednesday 18th of October 2023

In the wake of a transformed work landscape due to the pandemic, leadership is facing challenges like never before. World of Tomorrow (WOT) recognizes this shift and is set to host "The Future Landscape of Coaching" masterclasses from October 23 to 25. These sessions are designed to provide working professionals with the essential tools to navigate these new dynamics, driving productivity and fostering effective adaptation.

The pandemic's impact on employee and leadership well-being is profound. The BrightPlan Wellness Barometer Survey reveals alarming statistics: 76% of C-suite and HR leaders grapple with financial stress, while a staggering 92% of employees face financial anxieties. This stress takes a toll, costing employers nearly $200 billion annually, with employees reporting the loss of an average of one workday per week due to these concerns.

The solution lies in transformation, and at the heart of this transformation is coaching. Coaching isn't just a process; it's a dynamic, transformative practice that empowers leaders to navigate the ever-changing landscape effectively. It provides a structured and personalized approach to address these pressing issues.

Coaching equips leaders with the skills to recognize and unleash the latent potential within their teams. It's about revamping communication strategies, rebuilding trust, and leading with empathy. In today's environment, where remote work and virtual teams are the new normal, these skills are paramount.

Presented in partnership with the International Coaching Federation (ICF), these masterclasses feature Robert Garcia, Vice President of ICF. With a wealth of experience in business, human resource management, and leadership consulting, Robert's insights are invaluable in the current scenario. As WOT aptly states, "This is a remarkable opportunity to learn from a leader who has made a significant impact in the coaching industry. Robert's insights will empower attendees to refocus, drive productivity, and align their organizations with a rapidly changing landscape."

Participating in these masterclasses at Villa Nautica offers an exclusive opportunity to unlock the potential of coaching for transformation. Attendees will gain invaluable insights and strategies to drive change, refocus their teams, and adapt effectively in a dynamic working environment.

This event is just the beginning of WOT's journey in the Maldives. In the future, they plan to host a series of events covering a wide range of topics, from Organizational Restructuring to Corporate Governance, Emerging Technologies, and more. The organizers are committed to shaping the future of leadership and success in the ever-changing working world, providing professionals with a diverse array of topics to excel in various aspects of their careers.

Discover the future of leadership at 'The Future Landscape of Coaching' and register here.