You go to a shop. What’s the first thing you check after the price? Expiry date. We all have this strong conviction that once passed the date labeled on the product, it is no longer safe to eat. Well, it turns out that it wasn’t completely true.
Expired foods is the main cause of food wastage. Ever wondered how companies come up with expiry dates? They consider how the food is packaged, at what temperature it will be transported, how long it might be un-refrigerated, at what temperature the consumer's fridge will be and then make their best guess. Instead of throwing food out when they pass their expiry dates, the best way to decide whether a food is safe to eat is by using your eyes and nose.
Look at the color, notice the odor and check its texture. In fact, United States Department of Agriculture created a free app, FoodKeeper, to help you determine whether your food is safe to eat. In general, canned goods such as tuna, are good for 2 - 5 years. However, high-acid foods, such as canned tomatoes, juices, and pickles are good for only 12-18 months. So stop throwing food by simply checking the dates labeled on it.